Throw out those toxic Ramen soup packets and use our blend to make delicious Ramen soup at home! Follow these simple suggestions for a perfect bowl of soup:

1. Use 1 TBS of our blend to 1.25 cups of water (you may want to add less or more depending on your taste). Experiment with low sodium chicken broth or vegetable broth for added flavor!

2. Add your ramen noodles.  Throw in some shredded ginger as the noodles cook.

3. Add your favorite protein such as shredded chicken or beef, shrimp or salmon.

4. Add some veggies! Our favorites are chopped bok choy, sliced shitaake mushrooms, and shredded carrot.

5. Add some garnishes: sliced scallions, crispy shallots or onions, soft boiled egg, sesame seeds, bean sprouts, nori sheets (although we did add some organic kombu flakes to the blend!), crispy tofu.  If you like it spicy don't forget the chili paste, sriracha, or hot sauce!